Our most common questions are listed below. If your question isn't shown, please contact us via email or inbox us on our social media pages.
Lois & Andy

Yes, you have 14 days from when your item is received to return it to us. Once the item arrives back with us in it’s original condition, we will refund you minus the return postage cost. Please contact us via email before returning. Items must be returned using a tracked / recorded delivery service. Please include a note of your order number, reason for return and your details.
Please contact us prior to ordering to let us know via email, we will do our best. The advised delivery times you can see on our website allow scope for delays. Most items are received faster than the advised times.
We don't at the moment but hope to in the future. Feel free to drop us an email with any artwork you would like to see added to the House Eighty collection, we are always open to suggestions and it's a great way for us to get inspiration for new pieces.